Presentation of the Study Rethinking Regional Attractiveness in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area

The study Rethinking Regional Attractiveness in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area is part of the “Rethinking regional attractiveness” project, developed by the OECD, in partnership with AD&C, CCDR Algarve, CCDR Centro and CCDR LVT and with the support of the European Commission (DG REGIO).

Focusing on the international characteristics of the regions, it identifies existing and emerging regional attraction factors, addresses exogenous impacts on the regions – such as the COVID-19 crisis, current megatrends and the War in Ukraine – and understands the regional needs and assets required to succeed within globalisation.

It results from the intense work developed by the OECD team, with the support of the three CCDR and AD&C, involving two missions to Portugal – in June and July 2022 – and with contributions from a wide range of relevant actors at regional and national level.

Access the study HERE

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