Programs, Projects and Processes

Monitoring and operationalisation of Territorial Programs and Projects, of its own initiative, of the various governmental areas or of support to the municipalities, focusing on areas such as the environment, territorial planning, urban qualification, in view of the integrated development of the region. Consideration of the socioeconomic descriptor in the Environmental Impact Assessment processes.

Circular Cities Initiative
Promoted by the Ministry of the Environment, it aims to advance the Circular Economy Agenda, by promoting actions to train actors, knowledge capitalization and communicate to raise awareness of this theme.

Healthy Neighborhoods Program
Participatory instrument that promotes health, social, economic, environmental and urban initiatives among local communities most affected by factors that condition health and well-being conditions

Environmental Impact Assessment
Procedure that aims to predict the effects produced in the environment by a public or private project, and to safeguard that its implementation will be done in a sustainable way, avoiding or minimising negative impacts

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