Regional Promotion and Articulation

The pursuit of coherent public policies in the fields of economic, social and environmental development involves the concertation of national thematic and regional strategies and the operational articulation of the intervention of deconcentrated services, operating in the region’s territory.

PNPOT (National Program for Territorial Planning Policy) Intersectoral Forum
Led by DGT (Directorate General of the Territory), it aims to ensure the monitoring of the PNPOT and the elaboration of the State of Territorial Planning Report, contribute to the production of information about the territory and streamline the execution of policies contained in the Territory Agenda

IEFP Advisory Councils
They monitor the activity of the IEFP (Institute of Employment and Training) Local / Regional Delegations and appreciate the respective Activity Plans, Budgets, Reports and Regional Accounts

Supra-Social Security Platform
Concert produced around the social diagnoses and problems identified by CLAS (Local Social Action Councils), namely regarding the reinforcement of resources and planning of responses and social equipment at the supra-municipal level

Municipal Councils of Education
They monitor the functioning of local education systems, proposing appropriate actions to promote their efficiency and effectiveness

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